The Rate Schedule


Rates in Rupees

Plus taxes as applicable

Normal rate

4,000/ day/head

Discount for stay over 1 week

5% discount, i.e. Rate 3800/ day/ head

Discount for stay over 3 weeks

10% discount, i.e. Rate 3600/day/head)

 These per day per head charges include 2 meals, 1 breakfast, 3 times tea/coffee, and the stay. Any one meal per day can be non-veg ( for those who want it) ; and everything is unlimited.

Check-in time : 11am to 1 pm. That is, you arrive around lunch time , and check out any day after this day, after breakfast, before 11 am.

Car for forest picnic


Car for half a day tour( morning till lunch)

1600 per vehicle, plus tolls as applicable

Car for full day ( moning till late evening )

2500 per vehicle, plus tolls as applicable

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